Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am not a writer. I envy people who can put words on paper that can make people ponder, or encourage, or smile or cry. I used to write poetry when I was a teenager. I had actually forgotten about that until one of my old classmates made mention of it after we had reconnected. I don't know if any of my poetry was any good, but, it was a way to express myself. I think this is what my blog is about. I don't know that anyone but me will ever enter this site and read my thoughts. But, it is a good place for me to come, clear my head, and ponder my life--past and present.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Raleigh Weekend

This weekend we were in Raleigh to try and pack up some items to bring home for Preston so that we would not have so much to haul when school ends in a few weeks. It seems hard to believe that it has been almost a year since my "baby" left home to go to college. I have three sons, and the older two had already made this journey in their lives. The difference for me was there was always a child left at home. But, with my youngest leaving, it started a whole new chapter in my life--an empty nest.

We met some friends for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (delicious, by the way), and had a wait time of 1 1/2 hours. The restaurant was really busy, and it was also Prom night for one of the local high schools. The couples didn't realize it, but, they were putting on a wonderful fashion show for us while we sat and waited. My friend and I talked about how we would not have to participate in Prom again, and it was a little sad. Another reminder of the empty nest.

I was also reminded of an old saying "If I had to do it all over again, I don't think I'd have the strength." Raising three boys was exciting and challenging at times, but, I am looking forward to having more time with my husband. I also want to concentrate on growing closer to God. I think God gives us the strength to go thru all phases of our lives and I want this phase to be the best ever.
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